Dr. Janamaddi Hanumath Sastri was born on the 20.10.1925 in Rayadurgam, Anantapur Dist. Smt. Janakamma, Subrahmanya Sastri were his parents. He pursued M.A.(English), M.A.(Telugu), B.Ed. Rashtra Visharada. He was honoured with D.Litt by Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University. He worked as a Teacher, Inspector of Schools, Survey Officer and Lecturer in English in Degree College.
Very early in life, he was greatly impressed by the lives of people who inspired the world. It was his destiny that he should be associated with the very personalities whom he admired. He worked in some of the most unusual jobs and his chance acquaintance with Bellary Raghava even made him do his bit as a stage artiste even while in service, he used to accompany freedom fighters like Sri Gadicharla Harisarvottama Rao and traveled along with him to translate his speeches into Kannada during the days of the freedom struggle. He initiated numerous Literary meets which were more like ‘Literary treats’ for all lovers of Telugu literature. The most prominent personalities of the Telugu Literary world graced and added to glory to such occasions, He had intimate association with legends like Karunasree, Boyi Bheemanna, Dasarathi, Puripanda Appala Swami, Puttaparthi Narayanacharyulu,Sri Sri, Bangorey,Dr.Bejawada Gopala Reddy and many other literary luminaries. He served as the president and secretary of Kadapa District writers association, Kadapa from 1973 to 1993. He had a persona acquaintance with ‘Kavisamrat’ Viswanatha Satyanarayana and many officials in high positions, whom he had to meet in the course of his duties and services to society. The Dist. Writers association conducted number of literary meets, which were popular and organized not only in Kadapa but also in Taluk head quarters under the aegis of Dr. Mallemala Venugopala Reddy as president and Janamaddi Hanumath Sastri as general secretary.
Being a great and grateful admirer of C.P. Brown who dedicated his life and his earnings to bring to the notice of the world the glorious heritage of Telugu literature, he started realizing his dream, with nothing more than a strong determination. After struggling for many years, he was finally successful to fulfil his live’s ambition-the construction and establishment of the Brown Memorial Library,at Kadapa, of which he was the Founder Secretary. This can be regarded as his life-time achievement, for which he will be remembered for years to come. C.P. Brown Research Centre for Languages is at present under the admisnistartive control of the Yogi Vemana University, Kadapa. Because of his relentless efforts , invaluable and immeasurable service to the world of letters in general and to heighten the glory of Kadapa in particular , the well known Telugu scholar Dr. C. Naryana Reddy, one of the few people to receive the ‘Gnanapeeth Award’ for literary excellence, bestowed on him the very apt title, of ‘Brown Sastri’, which he regards as an honour that has brought him more happiness and satisfaction than most of the numerous awards given to him.
He is the recipient of numerous awards among the most prominent of which are, The Dharmika Seva Dhurina’ given to him by Sri Sri Sri Visheshwara Teertha Sripada, on 3.1.1999 and prestigious ‘Lok Naik Award -2012’ which is also called ‘The Andhra Gnanapeeth puraskar’ by the Lok Naik Foundation, Visakhapatnam it was presented to him by Dr. Yarlagada Lakshmi Prasad, its Founder – Chairman. He was expired on 28.02.2014.